Grand Theft Auto Six PC

Grand theft auto was a revolution in the gaming world and they keep making it better and awesome. The changes we’ve personally seen are unspeakable.

Lots of Rockstar fans will agree on this that GTA is one the best open world game in the gaming world. The best part of GTA is they keep making it better and better, adding more features, graphics, making it more realistic, give more control over your characters and more.

You can do whatever you want, it’s becoming a virtual world and it’s damn addictive. Well, it’s the worst side but yet it feels good.

There is no official announcement of GTA 6 PC Release Date but you can download the GTA v PC BETA version and enjoy the game. Make sure you don’t have high hopes before playing because it’s the beta version, not the stable version.

System Requirments of GTA 6 PC [BETA]

Processor 1.8 GHz + Intel
Ram4 GM or more for best feel


GTA 6 PC Download [BETA Version]

From below you can download the grand theft auto pc file and install in your pc.

Follow the steps to get the gta 6 beta pc :- 

  1. Click on the download button below.
  2. After successful installation, start the game and enjoy.

Download the file

Category: PC